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Decluttering Your Home

Space to Grow | Spring Newsletter


Healthy pruning makes way for luscious spring growth.

Dearest Clients and Friends,

As I look out the window in my home office, I see the first signs of spring. Some of the new growth, such as my favorite flowers, lilies of the valley, emerge without me having to do a thing. But most of my garden needs to readied for the season. The leaves from last year need to be removed from the ground, branches need to be trimmed, the first weeds need to be pulled. I do this with joy, knowing that spectacular beauty will soon follow. It reminds me of the feeling I get when I de-clutter a space to make room what for what's next. Spring invites healthy pruning - at home and in nature. In this season of emergence and color, let's create space to grow and evolve through thoughtful de-cluttering. Sarah Thompson Clean Slate Home Organizing P.S. I'm looking for storage space in the greater Burlington area for a community initiative. If you have any leads, please scroll down to the last article to find out more and get in touch. Thank you!

Photo by Liz West Flickr


De-cluttering your closet as a form of self-care

Honor who you are & who you are becoming

When we look with love at what’s in our closet, our clothes might reveal that we are holding on to what our body used to look like, the job we used to have, or the social scene that used to bring us joy. For many of my clients, the emotion and stagnant energy tied up in keeping clothes that no longer reflect who they are, prevents them from having space to move forward. If this sounds familiar, I invite you to contemplate this question:

What would your wardrobe be like if you bought clothes for where you are heading or for where you are now?


Before you de-clutter your closet this spring, picture how you want to feel in your future. Select three adjectives that capture a future that would delight you and then approach each piece of clothing with curiosity. Picture yourself wearing the item (or actually try it on) and ask yourself: “Does this piece of clothing make me feel X, Y and Z (your adjectives)?”

Love yourself enough to have your clothes reflect who you are and who you are becoming. There seems to be so much guilt around getting rid of clothes that no longer serve us, but consider this: if you are not wearing it, you are wasting it. Someone else could wear your clothes and love them.

Understand what makes you feel good.

If an article of clothing brings up regret or resistance, please move it along so you can make space for what you love. Give yourself permission to wear only what makes you feel good.

Love yourself enough to look to your future and sense who you are becoming. As you move clothes out of your closet and only wear what truly makes you feel good, know that you are making space for the new version of yourself that the world needs now.

If any of this sounds overwhelming, please know that you do not have to do it alone. Feel free to reach out and we can talk about how to de-clutter your closet with a love.

A special note for those who like to save clothes for "someday when...": Often we keep clothes with the hope that we will lose weight or get a different job. If you have extra storage space in your home, go ahead and select a few favorite items that you might wear later, being honest with yourself whether the style will be still be relevant in the future. Store these clothes somewhere other than in your closet. If you find yourself hanging on to “someday when” clothes that are more than one size above or below where your body is now, please pass them along so you free up space to move into your new future.


Kindness from Clients

I get overwhelmed trying to organize on my own, but Sarah offers a new perspective and the perfect amount of support.

During my second appointment, we focused on my bedroom. I had just purged a lot from my closet a few months earlier. However, Sarah helped me go through my closet again as well as my dresser drawers. Her presence made me question “Why AM I holding on to this?” I was able to get rid of even more clothing with no regrets, and I let go of items I was keeping “just in case.”

If I had tried to do this on my own, I would have taken much longer than three hours. With Sarah’s support I was able to stay on task and there was no judgment or pressure. After she left, my closet was in order and it’s easy to maintain. I can see the top of my dresser and open and close drawers without clothing getting in the way. I will definitely call her the next time I get stuck organizing a space.


Springtime Connection

De-clutter your seasonal gear and create space for what's important now.

This is the perfect time to assess your seasonal gear so that you can more easily spend time outside this spring. Check the mudroom, storage bins, closets, and drawers for seasonal outerwear and gear. De-clutter those items that no longer fit, are stained, or have holes. If you have multiple children and intend to save some clothes or gear for the younger ones, clearly label the storage bin “Spring/Summer” and return to your storage area. (If you missed my tips for mudroom management in the Fall newsletter, you can find them here.)

Think of this process as healthy indoor pruning to make space for outdoor fun and connection!


Wraparound Families Update

I'm looking for storage space in the greater Burlington area.

A huge thank you to everyone who supported Wraparound Families — a new Clean Slate partnership with Lund Family Center. As a community, and with the generosity of Precision Chiropractic and Imagine Wellness, we gathered enough household items for housewarming baskets for eight young moms transitioning from the residential program at Lund into independent living. These baskets are a gesture of community support — a way to recognize and honor the strength and courage it takes for new mothers to break the cycle of addiction (and often violence) so they can be a loving, stable presence for their children.

The next phase of Wraparound Families involves providing gently used household items and furniture, donated by the Clean Slate community, to alleviate some of the financial burden of starting a household. This is often the first time the young women have lived on their own, and finances are extremely limited.

I am looking for storage space to keep donated household items for Wraparound Families. Do you have any leads for a garage or warehouse space in the greater Burlington area? Any clean, dry space will do! Please hit reply and let me know if you or someone you know might be willing to support this project by donating space.



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